Company Secretary
ABC Motors has a service agreement with ABC Professional & Secretarial Services Ltd (“ABCPS” or the “Company Secretary”) for the provision of company secretarial services. ABCPS provides assistance and information on corporate governance and administration issues. The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring that Board procedures are followed and that applicable laws and regulations are complied with. It also has primary responsibility for guiding the Board members regarding their duties and responsibilities.
ABCPS is also responsible for taking accurate and precise Board minutes which are then submitted for approval at the following meeting. The Company Secretary also acts as Secretary to all Committees and the Committee meetings’ minutes are tabled at Board meetings for the Directors to take note of the deliberations and recommendations made by these Committees.
ABCPS is also the primary channel of communication between the Company and its shareholders as well as the regulatory bodies.
ABCPS is represented by Mrs. Cindy Larose, ACIS. Mrs. Larose has more than 12 years’ experience in the corporate secretarial field and is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA). She is also a member of the MIoD.

Company Secretary
ABC Motors has a service agreement with ABC Professional & Secretarial Services Ltd (“ABCPS” or the “Company Secretary”) for the provision of company secretarial services. ABCPS provides assistance and information on corporate governance and administration issues. The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring that Board procedures are followed and that applicable laws and regulations are complied with. It also has primary responsibility for guiding the Board members regarding their duties and responsibilities.

ABCPS is also responsible for taking accurate and precise Board minutes which are then submitted for approval at the following meeting. The Company Secretary also acts as Secretary to all Committees and the Committee meetings’ minutes are tabled at Board meetings for the Directors to take note of the deliberations and recommendations made by these Committees.
ABCPS is also the primary channel of communication between the Company and its shareholders as well as the regulatory bodies.
ABCPS is represented by Mrs. Cindy Larose, ACIS. Mrs. Larose has more than 12 years’ experience in the corporate secretarial field and is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA). She is also a member of the MIoD.